Online journals
Staff and students on site at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics in Kiruna have online access to full-text versions of the following journals:
- Advances in Polar Upper Atmosphere Research (1999-2006)
- Ambio (current year only)
- American Journal of Physics (1933- )
- Annales Geophysicae (Open access)
- Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics (1996- )
- Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences (1996- )
- Antarctic Meteorite Research (1997-2006)
- Arctic Research of the United States (1987-2007)
- Astrobiology (2001- )
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2001- )
- Australian Geomagnetism Report (1999-2011)
- Aviation Week & Space Technology (Restricted online access: Instructions)
- Computing in Science & Engineering
- Distributed Systems Engineering (1993-1999)
- Earth, Planets and Space (1998- )
- Electronic Design (1990- )
- European Meteorological Bulletin (Restricted online access, current year only: Instructions) (on paper 1996-2001, on CD 2002- )
- Forskning
- Geomagnetic, Ionospheric and Auroral Data from Finland, Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory (Oct. 2004- )
- Geomagnetic Monthly Bulletins, British Geological Survey
- Geophysical Research Letters (1996- )
- InfoTrend: Nordisk tidskrift för informationsspecialister (2005- )
- International Journal of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (1998-2008)
- International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology (1996- )
- Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (2006- ). Previously titled Journal of Applied Meteorology (1962-2005)
- Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry (current year only)
- Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (1944- ). Titled Journal of Meteorology until 1960.
- Journal of Electronic Imaging (1992- )
- Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres (1997- )
- Journal of Geophysical Research Space Physics (1997- )
- Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2004- )
- Journal of Plasma Physics (1997- )
- Linux Journal (Restricted online access 1994-2009: Instructions)
- Monthly Weather Review (1873- )
- New Journal of Physics (1998- )
- Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics (1994- 2009)
- Nordic Space Activities (2002- )
- PC Magazine
- Physica Scripta (2000- )
- Physica Scripta T (Topical Issues) (2000- )
- Physical Review Letters (2000- )
- Physics of Fluids (1958- )
- Physics of Plasmas (1958- )
- Physics Today (2005- )
- Polar Geoscience (1998-2006)
- Polar Meteorology and Glaciology (1998-2006)
- Radio Science (1996- )
- Review of Scientific Instruments (1999- )
- Råd & Rön (Restricted online access: Instructions/Instruktioner)
- Solar-Geophysical Data (NGDC, NOAA)
- Space News International (formerly Space News) (Restricted online access: Instructions)
- Space Science Reviews (current year only)
- Tellus A (Open access 2012- )
- Tellus B (Open access 2012- )
For access to other journals (contents and abstracts are often available online) try:
- Cambridge Journals Online
- Elsevier (Science Direct)
- Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing electronic journals
- Online Journal Publishing Service
- Wiley InterScience, register here
Open Access journals:
For more information, or if you cannot access one of the above journals from a computer on-site at IRF in Kiruna, contact the library (tel. 0980-79000,