(IRF WEATHER station about 2 km N of IRF building)

(data from 2009-05-13)

Please check search history to see if you already can find your data interval among these files. NB! The limit of time period you can choose is 365 days.


<= Temperature <=

<= Relative air humidity <=

<= Pressure <=

<= Wind speed (avg) <=

<= Wind direction (avg) <=

<= Wind speed (max) <=

<= Wind direction (max) <=

<= Rain <=

<= Rain intensity <=

Choose parameters to display. You can only search in one group at a time. Groups are separated by lines.

Temperature Relative air humidity Pressure
Wind speed (avg) Wind direction (avg) Wind speed (max) Wind direction (max)
Rain Rain intensity

Time format: Unix  yyyymmddhhmmss  Both unix and yyyymmddhhmmss

Return every  nth minute

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