These lessons will hopefully have been fully developed to an acceptable state after the winter-2006


Lesson first: The Cow

Lesson just following the first: historical paper

Lesson just following the second: historical notes

Lesson just following the third: Solar Eclipse 1954

Lesson 1: Ionosphere I

Lesson 2: Lightwaves in vacuum and glass

Lesson 3: Plasmas For Beginners

Lesson 4: PlasmaPhysics for Beginners

Lesson 5: Waves for beginners

Lesson 6: Radiovaves in the Ionosphere

Lesson 7: Ionosphere II

Lesson 8: Magnetoionics

Lesson 9: Selected Ionograms


Lesson X+1:stereoSphere Lesson X+2:two dimensional general relativity Lesson X+3:ionograms over one year Lesson X+4:solar eclipse;12 october 1996 Lesson X+5 and a lot more: the inportant harwarephilosophy


Lesson just before the last: One month scaled ionograms

Lesson last: The scaled ionograms

Lesson Bonus One

Lesson Bonus Two

the parameters: (under development)

f-min h'Es fo-Es TypeEs fbEs h'E foE h'f foF1 h'F2 fmI foF2 m[3000]

No more theory for to day

jan 1997 christer juren