PhD and Licentiate theses 1962-1999
At IRF in Kiruna
Egeland, Alv, Studies of auroral reflections in the VHF band, Stockholm (Almqvist & Wiksell, 1962).
PhD thesis
Liszka, Ludwik, Auroral zone ionosphere investigations using transmissions from artificial Earth satellites, Stockholm (Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1963).
PhD thesis
Gustafsson, Georg, Precipitation patterns of auroral particles in the ionosphere, Umeå (Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1970).
PhD thesis
Olsson, S., Studies of storm effects on the total electron content and of ionospheric irregularities by means of improved techniques, KGO Report no.725, April 1972.
PhD thesis
Svennesson, J., Ionospheric D-region effects observed by means of VLF radio waves, KGO Report no.729, September 1972.
PhD thesis
Theander, Agge, Studies of auroral absorption substorms, KGO Report no.723, April 1972.
PhD thesis
Westerlund, S., Abnormal propagation conditions in the terrestrial VLF waveguide, KGo Report no.72:11, December 1972.
PhD thesis
Westin, H., Studies of infrasonic waves in the auroral zone, KGI Report no.76:5, November 1976.
PhD thesis
Lundin, Rickard, Investigations of auroral electon precipitation by means of sounding rockets, KGI Report no.77:1, April 1977.
PhD thesis
Åström, K., Cascade processes in the atmosphere and an analysis of muon monitor data, KGI report no.78:2, March 1978.
PhD thesis
Murdin, J., Incoherent scatter radar measurement in the auroral zone, KGI Report no.80:2, October 1980.
PhD thesis
Sandahl, Ingrid, Pitch angle scattering and particle precipitation in a pulsating aurora – An experimental study, KGI Report no.185, October 1984.
PhD thesis
Falck, Albert, Measurements of auroral particles by means of sounding rockets of mother-daughter type, KGI Report no. 192, June 1985.
Licentiate thesis
Stasiewicz, Kristof, On the generation of auroral arcs and inverted-V structures, KGI Report no.191, October 1985.
PhD thesis
Steen, Åke, Investigations of auroral dynamics: Techniques and results, IRF Scientific Report 194, October 1988.
PhD thesis
Häggström, Ingemar, Incoherent scatter studies of upper atmosphere dynamics and coding technique, IRF Scientific Report 204, September 1990.
PhD thesis
Kirkwood, Sheila, Electrodynamics of the auroral E-region, IRF Scientific Report 205, October 1990.
PhD thesis
Eliasson, Lars, Satellite observations of auroral acceleration processes. IRF Scientific Report 217, August 1994.
PhD thesis
Stjernman, A., Design and development of a microwave multifrequency polarimetric scatterometer for biosphere remote sensing, IRF Scientific Report 223, May 1995.
PhD thesis
Pellinen-Wannberg, Asta, Auroral and meteor applications of the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar, IRF Scientific Report 225, August 1995.
PhD thesis
Barabash, Stas, Satellite observations of the plasma – neutral coupling near Mars and the Earth , IRF Scientific Report 228, December 1995. (PDF file, 7 Mb)
PhD thesis
Nilsson, Hans, Ionospheric plasma studies with the EISCAT and Søndre Strømfjord radars, IRF Scientific Report 229, January 1996.
PhD thesis
Westman, Assar, Development of high resolution radar measurements techniques for studies of transient phenomena in the ionospheric E and F layers, IRF Scientific Report 246, November 1997.
PhD thesis
Norberg, Olle, Hot plasma measurements in the Earth and Mars environments, IRF Scientific Report 247, September 1998.
PhD thesis
Eklund, Ulrik, High altitude cusp and magnetosheath in-situ measurements, IRF Scientific Report 249, December 1998.
Licentiate thesis
Kjus, Solveig, Lower hybrid cavitites – a statistical study, IRF Scientific Report 254, March 1999.
Licentiate thesis
C:son Brandt, Pontus, ENA Imaging of planetary magnetospheres, IRF Scientific Report 259, November 1999.
PhD thesis.
At IRF in Umeå
André, M, Dispersion surfaces and ion wave instabilities in space plasmas, KGI Report no.190, August 1985.
PhD thesis
Oscarsson, T, Stability analysisi and reconstruction of wave distribution functions in warm plasmas, IRF Scientific Report 201, Februari 1989.
PhD thesis
Biro, T., Phase-space description of plasma waves. Linear and nonlinear theory. IRF Scientitic Report 211, November 1992.
Licentiate thesis
Waldemark, Joakim, Neural Network Techniques in District Heating Applications: A nonlinear approach to estimating and forecasting multiple timeseries, ISBN 91-7174-762-1, Umeå: Dept of Applied physics and Electronics, Umeå University, February 1993.
Licentiate thesis
Norqvist, P., Magnetospheric ion energization. Theories on observations by the Freja Satellite, IRF Scientific Report 227, November 1995.
Licentiate thesis
Vaivads, Andris, Auroral ion beams and ion acoustic wave generation by fan instability, IRF Scientific Report 234, May 1996.
Licentiate thesis
Waldemark, Joakim, Artificial Intelligence in Analysis of Multivariate Satellite Data, ISBN 91-7191-190-1, Umeå: Dept of Applied Physics and Electronics, Umeå University, June 1996.
PhD thesis
Waldemark, Karina, Studies of the atmosphere using infrasound recordings, ISBN 91-7191-322-X, Umeå: Umeå universitet, 1997.
PhD thesis
At IRF in Uppsala
Opgenoorth, Hermann, Three-Dimensional Current Systems Associated with Active Aurora, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Abstracts of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science; 708, Uppsala, 1983.
PhD thesis
Holmgren, Gunnar, Artificial Stimulation of Auroral Particle Precipitation by means of a Plasma Release, ISBN 91-554-1645-4, Uppsala, March 1985.
PhD thesis
Koskinen, Hannu E., Lower Hybrid Parametric Processes in the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere – Theory and Applications, Uppsala Ionospheric Observatory, Scientific Report, UIO-SR-85-04, Uppsala, 1985.
PhD thesis
Hedberg, Åke, An Expermental Study of Ionospheric Modification Using Radio and Radar Methods, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 1, Uppsala, September 1985.
PhD thesis
Leyser, Thomas, Stimulated electromagnetic emission in the ionosphere, IRF Scientific Report 198, March 1989.
PhD thesis
Wahlund, Jan-Erik, Ionospheric response to particle precipitation within aurora. IRF Scientific Report 208, March 1992.
PhD thesis
Goodman, Simon, Problems related to stimulated electromagnetic emissions, strong turbulence and ionospheric modification. IRF Scientific Report 212, May 1993.
PhD thesis
Waldenvik, Mattias, The dynamics of electromagnetic radiation from an HF perturbed space plasma. IRF Scientific Report 216, May 1994.
PhD thesis
Eriksson, Anders I., Investigations of solitary wave phenomena in the near-earth space plasma using the Viking and Freja satellites, IRF Scientific Report 221, May 1995.
PhD thesis
Lindström, Richard, Modelling of wide-band ionospheric HF channels, IRF Scientific Report 222, May 1995.
Licentiate thesis
Persson, M., Coordinated radar and satellite studies of magnetospheric substorms, IRF Scientific Report 233, May 1996.
PhD thesis
Olsson, Annika, Studies of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in Auroral Substorms using Radar and Satellite Techniques, IRF Scientific Report 240, May 1997.
PhD thesis
Västberg, A., Investigations of the Ionospheric HF Channel by Ray Tracing, IRF Scientific Report 241, April 1997.
PhD thesis
At IRF in Lund
Wu, Jian-Guo, Space Weather Physics: Dynamic Neural Network Studies of Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling, Lund: Lund Observatory, Lund University, 1997.
PhD thesis
Wintoft, Peter, Space Weather Physics, Prediction and classification of solar wind structures and geomagnetic activity using artificial neural networks , Lund: Lund Observatory, Lund University, 1997.
PhD thesis