Magnetospeheric MultiScale – MMS

 Magnetospheric MultiScale, MMS, is a NASA mission consisting of four satellites with identical instrumentation launched from the Kennedy Space Center in March 2015.

Foto: NASA

The satellites use the Earth’s magnetosphere as a laboratory to study the microphysics of three basic plasma processes: magnetic reconecction, energetic particle acceleration and turbulence.

Together with the Alvén Laboratory at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), IRF in Uppsala is responsible for sensor surfaces and test equipment for the SDP / FIELDS instrument, which measures electric fields and is led by the University of New Hampshire, USA.


Yuri Khotyaintsev, Associate Professor, IRF, tel. 018-471 5929,


Created by Annelie Klint Nilsson at

Last modified by Annelie Klint Nilsson at